My first brevet

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Mid week report

Monday and Tuesday I did not do any cycling unfortunately - by the time I get home and finish all of my household responsibilities, it gets too late and I then find all sort of excuses of not going out - "I am hungry", "Its cold", "I am tired". This is not good. I did manage to do a couple of ab-back workouts so these two days have not been a complete waste. I think that once I get into a routine I will be more disciplined.

Yesterday I managed to put in about one and a half hour of riding and it felt great. It was cold and raining at times but I could not care less. I really enjoyed my ride and I am looking forward to today's ride.

However, due to the darkness, I am a bit afraid to wander out to the open road so I am doing easy workouts around my neighbourhood. I am not concentrating too much on 'distance covered' but rather to 'time spent on the aerobic zone'. I am putting my triple into good use as my neighbourhood is hilly so in order to maintain my intensity within the aerobic zone and once it gets steep, I drop into the granny gear and just spin along.

Food wise? That is going OK I think. I have tried and stopped the unnecessary nibbling during the evening and I feel better. I will avoid weighing myself daily as weight fluctuations can be great and sometimes disappointing. I will limit my food at night to sugar free - fat free yoghurts, green leafy salads with tuna or cottage cheese and avoid like the plague high carb foods such as bread, pasta, rice, rusks. I think now it is more important to lose the weight (hopefully fat) rather than be 'carbed up'. If I manage to lose the weigh, then refuelling with carbs is very easy !!

For me the brevet has started and the difficult part is not the actual riding day – that should be a fun day out. The real brevet is trying to discipline between now and 18 February.


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